
”Wendat winter” Package


To ensure the availability of the package in English, please contact their email address to make a reservation

Guided Tour
(Accompanied by a guide dressed in traditional costume)
Visit of the Yänonhchia’; longhouse. Presentation of the Wendat way of life. Visit of the smokehouse and meat dryer. Comments on food preservation methods. Discovery of the sweat lodge. Presentation on the purification techniques used by our ancestors and initiation to the spiritual life of the Wendat people. Stop at the giant teepee. Story on the way of life of the different nations. Presentation on the traditional means of transportation of the Wendats, on the manufacture of canoes and snowshoes. Invitation to take a seat in one of the large canoes to listen to the guide’s explanations. Presentation on the current life of the Wendats in the city of Wendake.

Tales & Legends
According to our ancient beliefs, the people who possessed the most knowledge had to pass it on to the youth of the nation. Thanks to this tradition, several great legends have thus been able to cross time.

Craft Making
» Medicine Wheel for ages 12 and up
Made of deer hide, pheasant and goose feathers, the medicine wheel is used to ward off illness.
» Beaded Necklace for ages 11 and under
Our young visitors delve into the heart of Native American traditions by learning how to create and make a necklace of beads and caribou bones.


Please visit their website to see prices.

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